Do existing Fitbit chargers work on the Charge 3?

Fitbit Charge Lifestyle
Fitbit Charge Lifestyle (Image credit: Fitbit)

Do existing Fitbit chargers work on the Charge 3?

Best answer: Unfortunately not. Due to the updated heart rate sensor on the Charge 3, you won't be able to use your old cables from the Charge 2 to power up the new version.Amazon: Fitbit Charge 3 ($130)Amazon: Charging Cable for Fitbit Charge 3 ($20)

Growing Pains of Progress

One of the bittersweet truths of technology is that as devices and products improve and gain newer technology, they inevitably leave older technology behind. Just look at Apple's recent move to USB-C across its line of Macs. While progress is great and we all want newer and better technology, at the rate that consumer technology is advancing, it can be a fit frustrating to feel like you're constantly having to replace cables and accessories. There are rare cases where the improvements may not be worth the headache, but overall I would argue that it pays off in the long run.

Why It's Worth It

In the case of the Fitbit Charge 3, I would say the very minor annoyance of having to use a different charging cable is absolutely worth it. The Charge 3 is quite vastly improved over its predecessor bringing improvements such as a full touchscreen display, third-party app notifications, waterproofing, sleep tracking, automatic workout detection, improved heart rate detection, and much more.

In the world of fitness trackers, Fitbit has long been one of the best manufacturers out there and that trend continues with its new Charge 3. Whether you are a hardcore fitness enthusiast who makes the rest of us tired just by watching you work out or you take a more casual approach to working out like a normal person, the Charge 3 is a great device for you. Fitbit includes a cable in the box and 20 bucks isn't a lot to ask for a second one if you need it so there's no reason not to upgrade.

Jason Cockerham